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 Our Dark Age_Pray For Tomorrow
Our Dark Age_Pray For Tomorrow w/Sarah Power
Electronic, Instrumental
Steven Lance

Our Dark Age / Pray For Tomorrow is a collaborative effort between Steven Lance and Sarah Power premised upon a SciFi soundtrack approach.

Ms. Power's vocalizations bring out the humanity in all of us. She touches deep invoking the soul within each of us to soar.

The experience of listening arouses hope that tomorrow will not be lost.

Released: February, 2021
More about: Steven Lance

How to buy Our Dark Age_Pray For Tomorrow w/Sarah Power

My Website My Website

Also available at: Available as of 20 February 2021 at all digital music providers.

More CDs by Steven Lance

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 Elemental 2024
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 Gaza Lives 2024
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 The Beckoning 2023
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 History Repeats w/Dr. Universal 2022
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 Once Upon Tomorrow 2020
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 Ménage à Neuf 2019
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This is ProgTronic music taken to the next level. Be prepared to enter a universe of sound that shapes a reality unlike any other.
 Sp-Azz 2017
Electronic, Jazz, and Rock (progressive)
Latest effort that moves into SPace jAZZ.
 The Reckoning 2016
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This is a single from just released CD, "Spiritually Elevated Animating Motive" by Animus Numinous featuring Soft-Synth Wizard Steven Lance and Woodstocker Tom De Sisto on guitar.
 New World 2016
Electronic, Rock (progressive), and New Age
This is a deep exploration of ProgTronic spaces. Thumpin' rhythms with soaring synths. If you love mesmerizing music, this is for you.
 The Best Is Yet To Come 2014
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This is a compilation of songs from six as yet unreleased CDs. These songs are very new, one as new as last week.
 Apprehending Life Without Living 2013
Electronic, Rock (progressive)
This newest release is another step forward in the progression of a truly unique musician. The songs take on a life of their own as they wend through amazing spaces. A must listen.
 East Setting Sun 2012
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 Fringe Runner 2012
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 Wavicle 2010
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 Boil The Sky 2010
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 Green Hole 2009
Rock (progressive), New Age, and Dance
Follow up CD to critically acclaimed "4 Never and Ever" with even more vibrant rhythms over churning wave structures
 4 Never and Ever 2009
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NewAge meets ProgRock/Fusion

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