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Advertise on HVmusicAdvertise right here, where tens of thousands of local music lovers visit each month.
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Welcome to HVmusic. We showcase the diverse musicians in the Hudson Valley, and YOU provide the content. Add your FREE listings and classifieds.
Hudson Valley
Music Promotion Services

Welcome to our listing of Hudson Valley, NY Music Promotion Services.
See the List of Music Promotion Services that are not from the Hudson Valley region. We represent a crossroads of musical talent - musical comedy, contemporary, Irish, songs with social and philosophical relevance.
Updated: November 23, 2024   Location: Orange County, NY   Email    (845) 294-3655
APM Graphics Club Flyers, Postcards, Vinyl Banners and more. Offset Printing and Graphic Services. Large format and Digital Printing Services
Updated: February 27, 2025   Location: Orange County, NY   Email    (845) 4969722
Wxax This listing has a large photo. No DJs or commercials just 24/7 music station. Playing the best rock and metal on the net plus the best local music around.
Updated: June 18, 2024   Location: Orange County, NY   Email
Black Dog Promotions This listing has a large photo. Promoting local bands and live events in the NY,CT,MASS area of the best rock and metal bands.
Updated: June 18, 2024   Location: Orange County, NY   Email