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unwind - solo piano
New Age, Contemporary, and Jazz
Louis Landon - Composer and Steinway Artst

"unwind" charted at #3 of the top 100 CDs for the month of February, 2006 on's website, playing on over 121 stations internationally! Louis Landon on the recording of "unwind":
I am still in awe of the organic process that happened with the making of this CD. What inspired me was hearing the recorded piano sounds that PAUL HIRSCH was getting at ROSE'S LOUNGE STUDIOS. That led to five sessions of very creative composing, performing, and improvising. With the finished pieces of music I had no idea how to move forward. I was in new age music territory and I was too close to the music to put the songs in any kind of order for the CD. It was here that I had the good fortune of connecting with WILL ACKERMAN, new age guitarist and founder of WINDHAM HILL RECORDS. Will advised me on song order. He also encouraged me to take the time to edit out a short piece of music from a long improvisational piece that I had recorded. That song became "Majestic Sunrise," and it is one of my favorite pieces on the CD. I ended up having CORIN NELSEN master my project at Will's IMAGINARY ROAD STUDIOS. I am extremely happy with the results. This music is melodic, optimistic, and peaceful. Enjoy! CLICK ON THE LINKS TO THE LEFT UNDER THE CD COVER FOR SOUND SAMPLESLouis Landon is a Steinway Signature Artist and his personal mission in life is to create a more loving and peaceful world by writing and performing music from the heart. What professionals are saying about "unwind": "I loved your new CD. I just finished uploading the new show to the website, so it will be up there from now until next Sunday am. I used two pieces: "Feel" and "Alone". So, so good. I also put a link to your website under my "Musicians" links. It is such a pleasure to receive something that is this good. Music like yours keeps the bar raised higher. Thank you for giving me something worth playing. Anne Williams/Nightscapes/internet radio "The new CD is quite beautiful and I've already included one cut on this week's show at" - Pat Marino/host of LegendaryVoices/ "I have known Louis for many years, his music has matured into a very comfortable style. His latest CD, "unwind", is warm, inviting and shows us what a fine and sensitive musician he is."
John Arrias/ Music Producer and Recording Engineer/NYC "The optimism in Louis's music made it the perfect choice for a recent film project."
Jan Ross/Director/eplanet films/NYC "...beautiful, deep, feeling and hopeful. I keep listening to it."
Richard Kane/Piano Restoration/Marin County, CA

Released: December, 2005
More about: Louis Landon - Composer and Steinway Artst

How to buy unwind - solo piano

My Website

Also available at: For physical CDs and downloads, the best place to order is the official Louis Landon website listed here. ITunes, Amazon and CDBaby are other options. unwind - solo piano

More CDs by Louis Landon - Composer and Steinway Artst

 Healing Hearts 2 - Solo Piano 2015
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 Walking the Plains & Other Solo Piano Stories 2015
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Solo piano compositions. Louis Landon's mission is to create improvisational music to bring conscious awareness to the present moment.
 Healing Hearts - Solo Piano 2014
New Age, Jazz, and Classical/Opera
Peaceful and relaxing neo-classical, new age, jazz Instrumental solo piano artistry that aims straight for the heart.
 Healing Piano of Sedona Massage, Yoga, Relaxation 2014
New Age, Acoustic
Title says it all! Louis Landon's mission is to create improvisational music to bring conscious awareness to the present moment.
 Sedona on My Mind 2013
New Age, Jazz, and Classical/Opera
solo piano music. Louis Landon's mission is to create improvisational music to bring conscious awareness to the present moment.
 Ten Years - A Peaceful Solo Piano Retrospective 2013
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The best of 6 CD releases over the past ten years. Louis Landon's mission is to create improvisational music to bring conscious awareness to the present moment.
 Peaceful Solo Piano from the Heart 2012
Classical/Opera, New Age, and Jazz
Louis Landon's 12th CD and 6th solo piano CD. More classically oriented then ever, with a sprinking of jazz , new age and pop. 14 brand new original solo piano tracks.
 Peaceful Christmas - Solo Piano 2011
Acoustic, New Age, and Jazz
Title pretty much sums it up. Relaxing solo piano music for Christmas. 11 traditional Christmas song and 4 originals.
 Reality Not Fantasy 2011
Singer-Songwriter, Pop/Soft Rock, and Contemporary
Pop/rock singer/songwriter vocals with full band and backing vocals. Louis Landon's mission is to create improvisational music to bring conscious awareness to the present moment.
 Solo Piano for Love, Peace & Mermaids 2010
Jazz, New Age, and Acoustic
is Louis Landon's 4th solo piano release and was recorded in two days at Piano Haven Recording Studios, Kenmore, WA. It is relaxing, healing, meditative, restorative, peaceful & uplifting.
 Solo Piano for Peace - solo piano 2009
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The title says it all. This CD is aimed to bring inner peace and peace in the world through emotional, relaxing solo piano music. Louis Landon's mission is to create improvisational music to bring con
 Peace Revolution! - solo piano 2008
Acoustic, New Age, and Jazz
One hour of beautifully written, melodic, and pristinely recorded solo piano music. Louis Landon's mission is to create improvisational music to bring conscious awareness to the present moment.
 The Gershwins, Cole Porter, & Me 2003
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The Louis Landon Trio live and in concert featuring Harvie S on the bass and Richie Morales on drums. Also Lew Scott on bass on some tracks.
 Joyous Spirit 1997
Jazz, New Age, and World
This CD is somewhere between New Age and Jazz. Beautiful melodies and chord changed and a light, rhythmic feel that makes it great to sit back and relax to or to put in the car as you drive.
 Love Songs & Jazz 1994
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Composer, lyricist, pianist, and vocalist, in a piano jazz trio setting, presents a charming vocal album with some swing, bossas, sambas, and a little funk as well.

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