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Advertise on HVmusicAdvertise right here, where tens of thousands of local music lovers visit each month.
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Welcome to HVmusic. We showcase the diverse musicians in the Hudson Valley, and YOU provide the content. Add your FREE listings and classifieds.
Clubs and Music Venues Across the USA
Welcome to our list of great places to hear music throughout the USA.
See the List of Clubs/Venues in the Hudson Valley region.

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Most Viewed
1.BeanRunner Cafe [128418]
2.Hootenanny Cafe Mini Concerts [96954]
3.Lydia's Cafe & Bar [53693]
4.Acoustic Cafe Music Series [48118]
5.Cornwall-on-Hudson Bandstand Concert Series [46219]
6.Red Hook Eat and Go Free Summer Lawn Concert [22143]
7.The Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center [13267]
8.Franco Martini Bar & Restaurant [7345]
9.Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts [6074]
10.Thee Lair [4115]

Bella Vista Country Club All
Bella Vista Country Club is owned and operated by the Beshara Family. It is located in the prestigious Monmouth County New Jersey area.
Location: Marlboro, NY   Updated: August 5, 2024
Acoustic Cafe Music Series This listing has a large photo. Folk ,singer/songwriter/blues/folk/rock
The premier venue for live music in the Pascack Valley at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Park Ridge, NJ, close to the Rockland County NY border.
Location: Park Ridge, NJ   Updated: February 24, 2024