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Bella Vista Country Club

Bella Vista CC boasts a magnificently maintained regulation golf course and a 22,000 square foot clubhouse with all the amenities of an elegant fine dining and banquet room, a full service casual grill room, and private dining rooms for your special events.

We offer various club memberships that are appealing to even the casual golfer and a tastefully designed clubhouse that includes restaurant and catering; as well as a grill lounge, locker rooms, a pro shop that provides golf instruction by two PGA golf pros, and an event pavilion that host up to 300 guests with breath taking views of the beautifully manicured golf course.

We host golf outings and have a full venue for weddings & events. Call for an appointment and see why we’re voted one of the best in Monmouth County.

More about Bella Vista Country Club
Capacity: 500

Contact and Location Info

Location:  100 School Rd
Marlboro, NY
See Map
Phone: (732) 3084600
Musician Booking: 732-308-4600

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