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 Cissy Strut
 The One That Got Away
 Sweet Revenge
Live At The Blue Note
Jazz, Funk, and Electronic
Neil Alexander & NAIL

I started NAIL in 1998. We played out pretty regularly. At this time of those recording I was writing like crazy, and we played a combination of new material plus covers of favorite songs (represented here by Cissy Strut and Sweet Revenge). In 2006 I began to forge a new sonic landscape with NAIL. After being in the Machine for 10 years, I decided to walk away from that and strike out on my own. I had been experimenting with a lot of music and a lot of people and had settled on bassist Steve Rust and a hot new drummer named Nadav Snir-Zelniker. My connections from the Machine allowed me to hook up a show as part of the Blue Note's "Late Night Groove Series." We hit the stage at 1245 am. This excerpted recording shows us in a very raw and as yet unrefined state. Some of this material would end up on Tugging at the Infinite at the end of the year, but would undergo significant changes by then. I took me many years to get the mastering together but I'm super pumped to be able to finally share these recordings with you. Enjoy, and thanks!

Released: March, 2018
More about: Neil Alexander & NAIL

How to buy Live At The Blue Note

More CDs by Neil Alexander & NAIL

 The Album That never Was: Live Trax 2022 2022
Jazz, Funk
5 song "EP" recorded live at the Upfront Exhibition Space in Port Jervis NY on September 12 2022.
 Tugging At The Infinite 2007
Jazz, Contemporary, and Alternative
From Synth Wizard Neil Alexander (The Machine, The Mahavishnu Project). NAIL's music tears down the boundaries between categories, redefining instrumental music.
 Galvanized 2004
Jazz, Alternative, and New Age
Ambient Jazz w/Dean Sharp (dms) & Dave Hofstra (bs), masters of the NY experimental Jazz Scene. NAIL's most popular CD.

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