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Julie Ziavras: Greek Live
World, Folk/Traditional, and Acoustic
Julie Ziavras

The warm and compelling voice of Julie Ziavras perfroms the music of the most renowned Greek composers in this collection of live recordings of recent performances in the NY metropolitan area. Included are songs by Hadjidakis, Xarchakos, Tsitsanis and rembetika songs, which are considered the "blues of Greece." Hear a song sample, Manos Hadjidakis' S'Agapo (I Love You) YouTube Link: songs are performed with Greek traditional instruments, with guest prominent guest performers: Spiros Exaras, (arrangements, classical guitar), Spiros Cardamis (arrangements, piano), Kostas Psarros (bouzouki), Petros Hadjopoulos (piano), Phaedon Sinis (kanoun, lire), Harvie S. (double bass), Steve Vavgiakis (percussion), Eleni Kalaitzidou (cello), Peter Chivily (double bass), Marija Javanovic (flute).The collection includes some of the most beloved and melodic songs in the Greek repertory, spanning a variety of styles and genres. Represented are songs of the Rembetika style. Considered the "blues of Greece", 'rembetika' became the popular "bouzouki music" of the 30s, 40s, and 50s, and has many parallels to American blues. With memorable melodies and lyrics, the songs are about realism, social injustice and the importance of dignity in the face of sorrow and grief.

Released: July, 2005
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 Julie Ziavras sings Simply Mavroudis 1999
World, Folk/Traditional, and Acoustic
A collection of acoustic Greek songs with the warm and compelling voice of Julie Ziavras, written by the renowned Greek composer Notis Mavroudis with Greek traditional instrumentation.

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