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Bob Grimm  ... is a Singer-Songwriter performing Blues, Rock (classic), and Jazz music.

Hot acoustic or electric guitar chops from a singer-songwriter-mystic, rockin' in the New Age! A former Four Season, he's comfortable in several idioms His original music is truly unique!"These days, I spend a great deal of time in my home studio. The song writing part of my life has re-emerged as a dominant urge. I'm also gigging in different ensembles and working with some great local musicians. I've had the great privilege of working with some amazing musicians and, as you might expect, the best ones are relatively unknown. Many of them are gone, lost to excesses that seem to go with the territory! I carry on in hopes of preserving the best of the music business - The Music! A journalist in Baltimore once wrote, "The future is Grimm!" There's less future than past, but it's been a great ride and I plan to stay on the road as long as someone listens!"-- Bob Grimm

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Contact Info
Location: Ulster County, NY
Phone: (845) 688-2646

Bob Grimm sings

CDs by Bob Grimm

 Akasha 2005
Rock (modern), Rock (classic), and World
"Akasha" was recorded originally in London after my tour with the Four Seasons. The music has no resemblance to the Four Season's sound and was a great departure. Check it out!

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