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CD Baby is no more
May 10, 2020

Many of my clients have discovered that in the last two months CDbaby has stopped selling CDs and digital downloads. I see that many CD listings here on HVmusic are still referencing links to CDbaby, and none of those links work now. I was very surprised to learn from my clients that they had heard nothing from CDbaby about this change.

So, If you have a CD listing here at HVmusic, and are using a sales link to in your listing... You should remove that link and find another online outlet to sell your CDs.

Amazon is still selling CDs as well as digital downloads, so you can contact them. iTunes is only selling digital downloads. CDbaby has changed their business to be focused only on helping you sell your music through other digital platforms. So you can still contact CDbaby and ask them to get you set up on these other platforms.

Does the community here have suggestions for replacing CDbaby?

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