Advertise on HVmusicAdvertise right here, where you can reach tens of thousands of local musicians and music lovers each month.
Advertise on HVmusicAdvertise right here, where tens of thousands of local music lovers visit each month.
Welcome to HVmusic. We showcase the diverse musicians in the Hudson Valley. This is a community website where we depend on YOU to provide the content. It's FREE to add your own listings and classifieds.
Welcome to HVmusic. We showcase the diverse musicians in the Hudson Valley, and YOU provide the content. Add your FREE listings and classifieds.

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Want to take your listings on HVmusic to the next level of visibility? Then consider our sponsored listings.

Sponsored listings:

What Will It Cost?
We charge for the length of time your listing remains a sponsored listing. Simply tell us how long you want your listing to be upgraded to a sponsored listing.

Time Cost
7 days$4
14 days$7
30 days$14
2 months$25
3 months$34
6 months$63
12 months$120

Receiving over 19,000 unique visitors per month, is a leading resource in the Hudson Valley music community.

OK, I'm Interested. Now What Do I Do?

  1. Go to your account page.
  2. Click on the "sponsor" link next to the listing you would like upgraded to a sponsored listing.