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Located in "the Sunrise County," Washington County, on the scenic Bold Coast of Maine, and offering a combination of local, regional, and long-distance services in the arts.

1) Expert vocal instruction, in person or online, for individuals & groups, by Danielle Woerner, one of the mid-Hudson Valley's foremost voice teachers, now based at SCAI's studio in coastal Maine, or via Zoom. All levels; wide range of repertoires from classical to musical theater, jazz, pop, rock. Sight-singing; acting for singers; overcoming vocal shyness; State competition and college audition preparation.

B.A. in music Bard College
Master's Certificate in Songwriting: Berklee
Graduate of Professional Development program, NY Singing Teachers' Association (NYSTA). Former college affiliations: guest instructor, Vassar College Drama Dept.; adult division faculty, Dutchess Community College; Faculty-adjunct, Bard and Hunter Colleges.

2) Singing workshops tailored to your group or organization's needs: actors, teachers, corporate, music and healing, mental health, church choirs & choir directors, elders' voices.

3) Creativity Retreats for writers, musical creators and visual artists "from away" at our scenic, peaceful location on the DownEast coast.

4) Writing group: The Fish Point Writers, in Milbridge ME. Inquire via our website Contact page.

5) Collaborations with DownEast and Acadia region schools and community institutions to present high-quality arts and arts-education events.

6) Partnership with local chamber of commerce and downtown revitalization organizations.

7) Concerts!

8) See the website for Singing as Your Path to Wellness, all online.

Location: Washington County, ME

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