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Chris Milillo Music School of Brewster
MUSIC EDUCATION -- Study music with an experienced, nationally-touring professional musician/educator in our fully equipped multi-media studio. Lessons are highly interactive and tailored to the needs and wants of each student. Our private students have the opportunity to join or form a student band, attending weekly rehearsals/band workshops. This is invaluable experience that, combined with private lessons, prepares musicians for real-world music performance situations.

LIVE DRUM TRACKS FOR YOUR RECORDINGS -- Your music deserves more than static drum loops or a soulless MIDI track. Take your music to the next level with great sounding live drum tracks performed by a full time professional who can bring your music to life. All styles, no project too big or small. Call or email for details/rates/demo recordings/scheduling availability.

Contact Chris Milillo Music School of Brewster
Location: Putnam County, NY
Phone: (845) 279.3279
Located in Brewster, NY

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