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Working band losing our bass player
Hi Bass Player,

This is Richard McKay, MD for Catawampus. Our bass player is leaving us at the end of March and we are looking to replace him. If you would be interested in filling that role, please let me know.

We are looking for someone who plays well, can cover a lot of diverse material and has good time feel. If you can sing, that's a plus but we all sing so it isn't required. And that you are a good hang. We're serious about the music but all about having fun on and off the stage.

You'll need to be able to learn quickly but we understand there will be an onboarding process and we work as a team to support all our members

We play B-side covers of popular bands from all decades in Rock, Blues, R&B and Funk. We gig two or three times a month and rehearse once a week in Rhinebeck. We have about half a dozen shows already booked beyond March.

Instagram: Catawampus_band
Facebook: Catawampus_Band

Contact Information
Location: Dutchess County, NY
Phone: (212) 7297301

Posted by: rmcka_a04
Viewed 209 times