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Percussionist wanted for dreamy alternative rock
We are now a trio and gigging regularly. We perform mostly originals along with some occasional covers. We are open to jamming and improv as well. All three musicians are highly trained (classical and jazz as well as rock). Our ideal percussionist would have multiple light percussion instruments to choose from, but we are very open to working with a full kit drummer as well.

We rehearse most Monday evenings in Hurley but are open to finding other times and places as well. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us via email or Facebook Instagram, or Hudson Valley Music. You can find audio/video of some of our songs on any of those platforms, or on YouTube. See links below.
Contact Information
Location: Ulster County, NY
Phone: (845) 901-0937

Audio/Video Samples
Sample     Sample    

Contact Information
Location: Ulster County, NY
Phone: (845) 901-0937

Strangely Beautiful by Night Fountain live at Green Kill

Eyes of Amber by Night Fountain live at Green Kill

Posted by: eroth_627
Viewed 308 times