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joe;s rock n roll power hour !
i will save the hudson valley from that other station..
i am the...MAN ! and i will teach that other station that there time is up !

today is my day ! day !

the saver of real rock n roll music !

how to hear...2 step process !

go to my website and go down the page or find a big red link / line ...hit that red line...then a player will pop up !
it will say press play..hit it ! then your on the stream hearing !

to hear are 24 7 the same thing as above !

we are the saver of the hudson valley people have been brain washed by a company that doesn't give 2 craps about you...and what you want to all under a format that they as a corporation rule...

as i always said corporate america is the real enemy of the people...all they care about is control don;t have to deal with that anymore for the SAVER OF REAL ROCK N ROLL MUSIC IS HERE !

if you agree with me...please support this station

Contact Information
Location: Dutchess County, NY
Phone: (845) 232 1003

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