Etherial 8 Handpan, Sound Healing, NewIncluded: Soft shell, back pack case (new), cleaning pads (new/must), custom-made stand, Jute edge protector.
With a 1/4 mic hook-up. The sound of this handpan is amazing - hook it up to an amp and magic happens!
From the Aura Handpan website:
"The Pantam Series Auras are crafted out of nitrided low carbon steel and undergo several rounds of heating and polishing to acquire the grey stone-like color, desired marble smooth finish, and classic pantam timbre. These instruments are tonally clear and controlled, and the material exhibits superior strength and durability. Additionally, the body of the instrument behaves more clay-like when struck, adding more percussive elements when playing. Nitrided steel provides improved corrosion resistance when compared to other materials."
Note to Sound Healers:
Add something very different to your sessions. Very easy to improvise...and with the mic hookup, the sound will certainly vibrate through your environment.
My original price, handpan alone: $2000.00 (no mic hookup)
Price with all amenities : $1150.00 (would consider counter offer)
Local Pick up only
Cash only
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Location: Ulster County, NY
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