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 Allegro Assai from Sonata Ananda (Opus 303)
Musikos Peripatos
Acoustic, Classical/Opera
Helen Avakian

Terry Champlin and Helen perform Classical guitar duos fron Vivaldi's Concerto in D Major to Champlin's Musikos Peripatos to Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue.

Released: July, 2002
More about: Helen Avakian

More CDs by Helen Avakian

 Notes from Helen 2015
A collection of Helen's original guitar instrumentals and arrangements of some of her long time top favorite songs
 I Love the Moon 2008
Helen's newest CD released in June 2008
 Vanishing Point 2001
Singer-Songwriter, Pop/Soft Rock
Helen's long-awaited CD "Vanishing Point" Appears! Voted Number 1 Favorite Recording by Rhythm and News Magazine Poll.

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