| A Seascape Dawn | |
| A Pure Love Song | |
| Nada Brahma |
Joe Vincent Tranchina: keyboard, compositions, orchestrations, arrangements & lyrics.
Recorded and mixed by Joe Vincent Tranchina (Jovitra Music)
Mastered by Rick Savage (Savage Multimedia)
Released on Rainchant Eclectic Records RER 10005
Amazon.de ★★★★★ Unterhaltsame, kurzweilige, abwechslungsreiche, gefühlvolle Musik (Enjoyable, entertaining, varied, emotional music) “19 emotionale Kompositionen, die den ganzen Regenbogen der Gefühle zum Ausdruck bringen.” (19 emotional compositions that express the whole rainbow of emotions.) - Ursula Diehl
Evoking hints of Gorecki, Johnny Greenwood, and James Horner, “A Seascape Dawn” places you right in that scene. There is a depth of meaning conveyed in this beautiful composition, whose title embodies it’s serenely. - Don Devine
Released: April, 2024
More about: Joe Vincent Tranchina
How to buy Completely Composed
Also available at: https://rainchanteclecticrecords.com/completely-composed https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/joevincenttranchina/completely-composed
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