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American Road
Singer-Songwriter, Blues, and Contemporary
Gary Paul

American Road is a travelogue across the American landscape, both geographically and in terms of American Musical Genres. Ranging from classic American acoustic folk and blues, to swam-rock, bebop, gospel, funk and many others. Singer songwriter Gary Paul provides cinema for the ears, with each song being a story unto itself, filled with colorful characters. Taken together they are a tapestry of American music.

Released: March, 2018
More about: Gary Paul

How to buy American Road

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Also available at: digital downloads will be available on all the sites.

More CDs by Gary Paul

 Sid's Gaseteria 2007
Acoustic, Singer-Songwriter, and Contemporary
A collection of 13 short story songs by one of the masters of the genre. You'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll come to love all the characters you meet along the way.

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