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 Womanspirit Rising
 Full Moonlight Dance
 To Each One of Us
To Each One of Us
Karen Beth

"To Each One of Us", available on CD and cassette. Produced by Karen Beth. Featuring Karen on guitar, accordion, kalimba and piano, with bass, percussion, fiddle, cello, and a womans' chorus. "...a recording of extraordinary beauty and depth" -- Ladyslipper

Released: May, 1986
More about: Karen Beth

How to buy To Each One of Us

My Website

More CDs by Karen Beth

 Magic 1990
"Magic" available on CD and cassette. Produced by Karen Beth. Featuring Karen on vocals, synthesizer, guitar, accordion, banjo, and piano, with bass, mandolin, percussion, fiddle, singers.
 the edge of the horizon 1980
"The edge of the horizon", available on CD. Produced by Karen Beth. Featuring Karen on guitar, piano, and accordion, with bass, percussion, drums, mandolin, electric guitar, flute and fiddle.

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