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Advertise on HVmusicAdvertise right here, where tens of thousands of local music lovers visit each month.
Welcome to HVmusic. We showcase the diverse musicians in the Hudson Valley. This is a community website where we depend on YOU to provide the content. It's FREE to add your own listings and classifieds.
Welcome to HVmusic. We showcase the diverse musicians in the Hudson Valley, and YOU provide the content. Add your FREE listings and classifieds.
Hudson Valley, NY
Calendar of Music Events

Displaying events from
Wednesday Jan 1, 2025 to Tuesday Jan 7, 2025

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Wednesday, January 1
No events scheduled on this date
Thursday, January 2
No events scheduled on this date
Friday, January 3
5:00 pm
8:00 pm
Leo B.
Acoustic, Rock (50's-60's), and Rock (classic)
Runaway Train Brewery
645 Main St.
Honesdale, PA   See Map
Enjoy an afternoon/evening of your favorite "memories" (songs) from the 50s to the 90s!
Saturday, January 4
No events scheduled on this date
Sunday, January 5
No events scheduled on this date
Monday, January 6
No events scheduled on this date
Tuesday, January 7
No events scheduled on this date

See the next 7 days ►

Didn't find your favorite musician or venue? Let them know about it! We depend on musicians and venues to keep this calender current. It costs them nothing to advertise here, so tell them you were looking for them on Thanks.