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7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Friday January 17
Ray Blue's R&B Expo with Julius Dilligard, Jr.

NYS Blue's Hall of Famer Ray Blue joins with former RCA Records recording artist, Julius Dilligard, Jr., to bring you the R&B Expo of the year. Dilligard was the lead singer with the internationally famous recording group Crown Heights Affair. He sang lead vocals on their first album. Their hit single, "Dreaming a Dream" was in the Billboard Top 100 Dand & R&B charts. He is a singer, songwriter and musician. Over the years he has performed on stages with such acts as the Main Ingredients, The Commodores, Maxine Nightingale, Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke, and many others.

$20 adm. For reservations, call 914-737-1701.

BeanRunner Cafe
201 S. Division Street @ Esther
Peekskill, NY
See Map