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The Dark Horses  ... is a Band performing Rock (classic), Pop/Soft Rock music.

The Dark Horses, is a powerhouse line-up of nine Orange County, NY musicians that bring to life George Harrison’s musical legacy from his Cavern Club days with the Beatles through his solo career, including collaborations with Eric Clapton, Jeff Lynne, and The Traveling Wilburys. No costumes. No gimmicks. Just great musicianship and a 2+ hour show (with slide show if A/V is available)! The Dark Horses have been performing throughout the Hudson Valley and New Jersey at a wide variety of venues including The Falcon, The Stanhope House, The Towne Crier, The Darress Theatre, Daryl's House and many outdoor music festivals to sold-out/SRO crowds.

Website     Appearances    

Contact Info
Location: Orange County, NY
Phone: (862) 8129854

The Dark Horses

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