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Tom De Rosa  ... is a Singer-Songwriter performing Rock (classic), Acoustic, and Multi-genre original music.

Tom De Rosa has created “De Rosa” as his own special musical experience. He is a gifted guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter. Tom, who has been blind since the age of 22, has had a lifelong dream of spreading his music throughout the world. He is well on his way as he has several songs available and streaming on many of the top music platforms.

De Rosa’s music has a fresh and unique sound, yet incorporates modern classic rock mixed with the influence of traditional blues. His melodies are addictive and contain some very clever storytelling lyrics.

Tom is no stranger to the New York music scene. He first picked up the guitar in his early 20’s after going blind and found composing music and lyrics to be a great creative outlet and a significant way to cope with the loss of his vision. He has since established a following and when Tom is on stage, he creates a great rapport with his audience. One can quickly see he is quite comfortable as he caresses his vintage ‘70s Strat while leaning into the microphone to begin his show.

Tom is a consummate entertainer; besides his musical career he has performed with the “Theatre by The Blind”, an all-blind theatre group based in New York City. In 2023, he published his first book, a memoir, “A White Cane, A Dog and Dark Glasses” which can be found on Amazon.

Google: Tom De Rosa/Music

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Contact Info
Location: Ulster County, NY
Phone: (917) 6217854

Do Something by Tom De Rosa

Tennessee by Tom De Rosa

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