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Rick and Marilyn  ... is a Duo performing Singer-Songwriter, Americana, and Covers music.

'Rick and Marilyn' is a folk/rock duo focusing on 'Guitar and Song'. We play Marilyn's original tunes and a carefully chosen mix of favorite classic folk and rock covers, as well as hidden gems, making for an enjoyable, high-energy show. Our sound is defined by Rick's expertly played, tasteful, interesting guitar solos over Marilyn's driving rhythm guitar and gutsy strong vocals. We look forward to entertaining you AND we are fully vaccinated!

Guitarist Rick Warren, influenced by Jimi Hendrix, Pete Townsend, Larry Coryell, Karl Berger and John McLaughlin, also plays guitar with ‘Derrick Horton and the Jay Street Band’, as well as supporting Slink Moss in ‘The Magic Stones’ and creating Free Improvisational compositions of his own. He has a reputation for giving the song exactly what it needs, telling ‘the rest of the story’ with his soulful, melodic solos.

Singer-songwriter Marilyn Miller was known for leading Open Jams at venues in Hudson for many years. These days, when not with Rick, you will find her performing solo, with the loosely organized Hudson Busk in the Hudson streets, and the bluegrass band Beer Stained Fiddle. Her strengths lie in her powerful voice and melodic arrangements of her own tunes and the covers she loves.

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Contact Info
Location: Columbia County, NY
Phone: (518) 9653212

House of the Rising Sun


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