About Gary Alexander
Gary Alexander is an independent journalist and scholar whose focus of
interests range through a variety of disciplines. Under various names,
he has written (and ghost written) upon history and current event;
science and technology, as well as music and the arts in books and for
national periodicals. While particularly attentive to the subtle and
complex impact upon cultural imagination and contemporary structures of
presumption which activity in the above mentioned topics tend to have,
Alexander treats his topics with a slightly more than occasional resort
to humor.
In assembling this selection of musical profiles and reviews for
the web, drawn mostly from local publications (primarily the Daily
Freeman, Woodstock Journal and Woodstock Times), it is Gary Alexander's
hope that it might serve as a modest contribution toward a collective
portrait of the everyday musicians, writers and artists whose too often
unsung efforts help, daily, to forge a cultural identity for this
region, keeping alive remnants of musical creativity upon their own
individual levels in an era wherein corporate culture seeks to mold a
Contact Gary Alexander

All photography and
artwork, unless
otherwise indicated,
is by
Ray G. Ring IV